Layout Lighting

Layout Lighting Solution

Lighting Automation for DMX-512 and PNET

Control Lighting Sequences with triggers

Program dimmers and levels with Presets

Script automation with Sequences

All data stored on local SD card

Size: L- 3.5", W- 4.5", H- 1"

LLS Main Board Includes: Layout Lighting Main Board, Power Supply, and SD Card

LLS Starter Kit Includes: Layout Lighting Main Board, Power Supply, SD Card, 2-PNET DC Power Controllers, 1-PNET Opto-Input Trigger Board, 2-RGB LED Strips, 2-White LED Strips, 2-12VDC Power Supplies, 3-PNET Cables, Terminators

LLS Main Board


LLS Starter Kit



Layout Lighting Solution Features

PRICOM started by designing the “brain” of the Layout Lighting solution. The Layout Lighting board includes interfaces to DCC, PNET (PRICOM Network), DMX-512 dimmers, your home network, local buttons and LED’s. These interfaces allow simple connections to various inputs and output devices giving the flexibility to suit any environment. Inputs can trigger any sequence of outputs including lighting effects, sound elements, motion, and anything you can imagine. All events and triggers are programmed using a simple web-based interface that you can control with your computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone, or other Wi-Fi connected device and a web browser.

From the web interface, you simply create “Scenes” by assigning the lighting devices associated with each scene in your layout. Each scene can be any mix of DMX-512 AC dimmers and PNET DC dimmers directly driving LED lamps. Scenes should include the overhead lights, but also the buildings and any other dimmable lamps you wish to control. The solution supports up to 64 individual scene aread in your project allowing you to divide into natural areas. After the “Scene” areas are defined, you then create “Presets” for each “Scene”, one for each time of day or event you wish to appear (day, night, dusk, etc). The solution supports 32 presets for each of the 64 scenes (that is 2,048 different presets!). Simple and intuitive sliders allow you to adjust the desired lighting level for each of the AC or DC dimmers from your tablet, laptop, or smartphone, while watching the results in real-time. No fumbling with CV’s or other cryptic configurations, it is all done from a web browser!

The real magic of the PRICOM Layout Lighting Solution is the Automation Engine. Begin by creating a “Sequence” and give it a name such as “Rolling Sunset”. Next we create some number of “Steps” to implement that rolling sunset we dream of. Our Rolling Sunset will be started by some event, a push button, 6:30PM on the fast-clock, etc. So we create a “Step” waiting for an event, then another step for each lighting or sound element we want to trigger. For a rolling sunset, we would create a “Step” for each Scene we want to fade to a specific Preset. Get creative! You can create up to 64 Sequences, each with up to 32 Steps, so there is really no limit to your imagination.

Further customize your project by integrating some of our many accessory boards, such as our PNET DC Power Controller for high power draw applications. Use a PNET Input controller to use buttons and other inputs to trigger lighting events. A complete list of Lighting Accessory boards may be found on this website.

View the videos tab to see demonstrations of the Layout Lighting Solution in action.

Layout Lighting Solution Videos

Layout Lighting Wiring

Layout Lighting Introduction Video

Starter Kit Assembly Video

Software Operation Video

Finding Your IP Address Video

Layout Lighting Solution Accessories

OptoInput Board

Add Optically Isolated Trigger Inputs to Layout Lighting using PNET

DC Power Controller

Using RGB LED strips? This is the perfect answer with Four 8Amp Control Outputs using PNET

Hex Driver Controller

Using smaller LED's, or putting them in structures? This is the perfect answer with 16 1 Amp Control Outputs using PNET

PNET Cables

You will need some PNET cables!

DMX Splitter

Split your DMX Output for multtiple DMX runs

Button Board

Add the Button Board to simplify triggers for Layout Lighting

Motion Sensor

Use a motion sensor to trigger a Lighting Sequence

Spare Power Supply

Always a good idea to have a spare Power Supply around

Spare SD Memory Card

Always a good idea to have a spare SD Card around

Layout Lighting Downloads

Layout Lighting Quick Start

Complete PDF of the Layout Lighting Quick Start Guide

Layout Lighting User Manual

Complete PDF of the Layout Lighting User Manual

Layout Lighting Firmware V2.3

Includes all firmware files in the ZIP file

Firmware Released October 24, 2019

Fixed bug when no SceneConfig.txt file exists and the system creates default values. Was creating a larger array than web browsers could handle, causing browsers to hang on the Preset Page.

For all changes and upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes inside the zip file

Layout Lighting Firmware V2.2

Includes all firmware files in the ZIP file

Firmware Released October 6, 2019

Please make a copy of your SD card cotents BEFORE loading this new firmware. Don't want you to loose any Scenes or Sequence data. Delete the html and firmware folders from your SD card, then copy the new ones.

Fixed Control Ouput function from main board. Previously, if you set a Sequence to use the control output it would only send a very short pulse out the pin. Now the output is controllable by time.

Added configurable Control Output time in the HTML Sequence page. When setting Function to Send an Event and the Destination is Local Control, select Control-1 through Control-4, then the last box sets the time from a list of 100ms, 250ms, 500ms, 1sec, 2sec, ON and OFF. If you set to ON, then it will stay until power is removed, or another time setting is sent to that Control Output, or the OFF command. So, if you set to Permanently ON, then in some other sequence step, set it to 100MS, it will start a new ON-Time of 100MS, then turn off. If a Control Output was already on, when a pulse is sent, it will NOT turn off first, but simple turn off after the delay time.

Added .ico file type support, this allows a browser to read "favicon.ico"

Under the hood, moved to new toolchain and C compiler. This has been a nagging issue for over a year. With the compiler change, there were 150+ code changes needed, hopefully this should help with browser stability. The good news: now changes can be made quickly since the heavy lifting is done.

For all changes and upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes inside the zip file

Layout Lighting Firmware V2.1

Includes all firmware files in the ZIP file

Firmware Released April 25, 2017

Fixed bug in DCC Input that caused the Layout Lighting board to crash if the DCC input was powered down this can happen if you shut off track power, or emit several DCC Reset commands. All of these situations would cause the DCC packet lenghts to be quite large and cause the baord to crash.

For all changes and upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes inside the zip file

Layout Lighting Firmware V2.0

Includes all firmware files in the ZIP file

Firmware Released January 30, 2017

Added DCC Input on Layout Lighting Board Directly. Be sure to connect the Layout Lighting board to the DCC System Ground in addition to the 2 track signals to the 3 position terminal strip.

A Sequence can now be triggered by Accessory Commands or Mobile functions. In the case of Accessory commands, the Thrown and Closed is represented by "0" and "1" in the seqence editor.

For all changes and upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes inside the zip file

Layout Lighting Firmware V1.9

Includes all firmware files in the ZIP file

Firmware Released November 29, 2015

Fixed issue that caused "Task Status" button to stop all other functions from working, crashing the board.

For all changes and upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes inside the zip file

Layout Lighting Firmware V1.8

Includes all firmware files in the ZIP file

Firmware Released November 22, 2015

Added version display on Main Page (index.html)

Fixed initialization so that when there sceneconfig.txt amd sequenceconfig.txt don't exist we create a full set of blank scenes and sequences into memory. You still need to write the config to the SD card to persist. This makes troubleshooting with a "blank" or "fresh" config easy.

Fixed a major bug that caused all FADE times to be around 2.5x the desired fade time.

Fixed a major bug that caused all DELAY times to be around 4-5x the desired delay time.

Fixed a bug with ZERO fade times in a Sequence. If you set fade time to Zero, the current sequence and other sequences that reference the same Scene could be fouled up and not complete their fades. In some cases it could also foul-up other scenes not referenced in the selected sequence.

Tested and validated that the 4 local trigger inputs are working correctly and debouncing. Works correct now.

ControlOutputs are not working yet. This will be fixed in a future version. Any Sequence that has a step with "Send an Event" to "Local Control" with "Control-1" through "Control-4" will be ignored for now.

from v1.7: Improved web server to support more browsers. Still have work to do here. If you have issues with a browser not displaying all the elements of a web page. Don't refresh the page, simply click back or click on the PRICOM logo to take you to the home page. Then re-select the page to view.

The issue is that modern browsers are trying to load all objects at one time, and the Layout Lighting board is getting overrun with object requests.

For all changes and upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes inside the zip file