The Power Switcher is simply Four Relays that you connect to using terminal strips.
This power distribution board allows you to provide relay controlled power up to 5 Volts and 1 Amp. More importantly though is that this board allows you to connect to any of the relay pins. This means that you may wire LEDs for example, so that only certain ones are on when the relay is closed and other turn on when the relay is open. This creates many more wiring possibilities.
All connections are made using screw in terminal strips. Power can be supplied to devices in either a normally open state, normally closed, or both if needed. The Power Switcher is perfect if you need that little extra bit of power to make your project work well. Each terminal strip can be associated with a particular output control from a Dream Player. So when the Dream Player is playing its audio for track-1 it can also control the output of terminal strip 1 on the Power Switcher.
The Relays are 5VDC controlled, so can be used with a Dream Player, Arduino, or any other source of a 5VDC control signal. The relays do not have any driver circuits on the coils, so your control source needs to be able to power the relay coil directly. We have used super-low-power relays to enable controlling them directly from a Arduino or other CPU without needed any extra circuitry.
Operation of the Power Switcher
Full line of Solid-State Audio Players to use with your Audio Switcher
Always a good idea to have a spare Power Supply around